Ίσως να αναγνωρίζετε αυτά τα ονόματα!
Πριν από μερικές εβδομάδες καθώς τριγυρνούσα στο διαδίκτυο, «σκόνταψα», ευτυχώς χωρίς τις δυσάρεστες συνέπειες της προηγούμενης φοράς (!) πάνω σε κάποιο εξώφυλλο του περιοδικού CQ. Δεν μπορώ να πω ότι η φιγούρα του εξώφυλλου μου θύμιζε κάτι, ωστόσο όμως αναρωτήθηκα, ποιος μπορεί να είναι αυτός ο τύπος που φωτογραφίζετε για το εξώφυλλο ενός ραδιοερασιτεχικού περιοδικού το οποίο μάλιστα είναι παγκοσμίας εμβέλειας; Αφού κοίταξα λίγο πιο προσεκτικά, διάβασα πιο κάτω:
On the cover: Vintage radio collector (and rock ‘n roll superstar) Joe Walsh,WB6ACU. Μπα! Ροκ εν ρολ σταρ; Ποιος μπορεί να είναι αυτός; Αναζητώντας περισσότερες πληροφορίες, προς έκπληξή μου έμαθα πως ο
WB6ACU που φιγουράριζε στο εξώφυλλο ήταν μουσικός και μάλιστα της γνωστής ροκ μπάντας …
EAGLES. Καλά ε, τι HOTEL CALIFORNIA και άλλα όμορφα τραγούδια άρχιζαν τα στριφογυρίζουν μυαλό μου πλημμυρίζοντας ταυτόχρονα το shack με ήχους από επιτυχίες της αγαπημένης μας μπάντας! Ταυτόχρονα είχα συνειδητοποιήσει πως το callsign του Joe φιγουράριζε σε διάφορες ιστοσελίδες μαζί με τα callsign κάποιων άλλων … επωνύμων ραδιοερασιτεχνών. Πολιτικοί, Βασιλείς, Ιερωμένοι, Αστροναύτες, Ηθοποιοί, Τραγουδιστές, Συγγραφείς, Ραδιοφωνικοί και Τηλεοπτικοί Παραγωγοί και Αστέρες καθώς και άλλοι πολλοί. Σίγουρα κάποιους θα τους αναγνωρίζετε.
Σας τους παρουσιάζω, αφού νομίζω πως τους περισσότερους τους συγκέντρωσα εδώ!

2MT-------Guglielmo Marconi
3A0AG---Prince Alberto Grimaldi, Monte Carlo, Monaco
3BEC-----Arthur Middleton Young, Inventor of the first commercially practical helicopter, philosopher, poet and painter
7L2NJY--- Dr Mamoru Mohri, Japanese astronaut
9K2CS---- Prince Yousuf Al-Sabah
9M1--------King of Malaya (possible sk)
9N1MM---- Father Marshall Moran, missionary (SK)
A41AA---- Qaboos Bin Said Al-Said, Sultan of Oman
DD6CF----Reinhard Alfred Furrer, German Space Agency astronaut.
DP3MIR--- Dr Ulf Merbold, astronaut

EA0JC---- Juan Carlos, King of Spain

FO5GJ---- Marlon Brando aka Martin Brandeaux, actor
G0OAN---- Sean Feargal Sharkey, Lead vocalist of pop punk band The Undertones and solo recording aritst.
G0MSL---- James ?, town crier
G2DQU---- Lord Rix (formerly Sir Brian), former actor and charity head
G3EUJ---- Gillie Potter, comedian (The Squire of Frogmorton) (SK)
G3TZH---- Tony Dolby, brother of "the" Dolby
G3YLA---- Jim Bacon OBE, weatherman
G4CEZ---- Bill Kitchen, 1956 world champion speedway rider (SK)
GB1MIR--- Helen Sharman, astronaut
HS1A----- Bhumiphol Adulayadej, King of Thailand
HS1LY---- Prince Titiphan of Thailand
HZ1TA---- Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia
I0FCG---- Francesco Cossiga, former President of Italy

JA1MP---- Sako Hasegawa, founder of Yaesu (SK)
JA5FHB--- Former Japanese Minister for Transport and Communications

JY1--------King Hussein, King of Jordan. (Deceased)
JY1NH-----Queen Noor, Queen of Jordan.
JY2------- ?
K0DWC---- Lt. General Francis Griswold
K0HWY---- Tex Beneke, band leader
K1JT------ Dr. Joseph Taylor Jr, 1993 Nobel Prize winner in Physics
K1OKI---- Mickey Schulhof, head of Sony US

K2HEP---- John Sculley, former CEO of Apple and Pepsi (lapsed)
K2ORS---- Jean Shepard, author

K2ZCZ-----George Pataki, Governor of New York 1994.
K4LIB----- Arthur Godfrey, TV performer (SK)
K4TPJ----- David Funderburk, member USA House of Reps
K6DUE---- Roy Neal, television reporter
K6IR------ Ken Miller, executive of many companies
K6RFU---- Albert Glasser, scores feature films (eh?)
K7TA----- Clifford Stoll, author ("Cuckoo's Egg") & astronomer
K7UGA/K3UIG-- Senator (US) Barry Goldwater (ret)
KA6HVA--- Burl Ives, singer (SK)
KA6UXR--- Dr. Alex Comfort, author of "The Joy of Sex"
KA7EVD--- Donnie Osmond, entertainer (lapsed)
KB2GSD - Walter Cronkite, Television Journalist and Former Anchor of the CBS Evening News.
KB6LQR--- Jeana Yeager, Voyager '86 pilot
KB6LQS--- Dick Rutan, Voyager '86 pilot
KB6OLJ--- Paul J Cohen, mathematician
KB7LPW--- Len Winkler, radio talk show host
KC4OCA--- Gordon Barnes, weatherman

KG4UYY or KD4PNZ--- James Lance Bass, Musician, Songwriter, Pop Singer N' SYNC.

KD4WUJ--- Patty Loveless (Patricia Ramey), country singer, XYL of W4WRO
KD6OY----Garry Shandling, TV Personality.
KD6WUS--- Hugh Downs, TV compere ("Concentration")
KG7JF----- Jeff Duntemann, author and publisher of Coriolis Group
KH6IJ----- Katashi Nose, radio columnist and former physics professor (SK)
KI6M----- Stu Gilliam, comedian

KN4UB---- Larry Junstrom, rock musician (bass player in .38 Special. In the past was on Lynyrd Skynyrd)

KX2Z------Jon Bongiovi, Lead Singer and Musician (Bon Jovi) Yes.... the real spelling of his last name !
LU1SM---- Carlos Saul Menem, President of Argentina
N4KET---- David French, CNN newsman
N4RH----- Ralph Haller, FCC PRB chief
N5YYV---- Kathy Sullivan, Chief Scientist NOAA (former astronaut)
N6CKF---- Lloyd Bochner, actor ("Colby")
N6FFT---- ?, talk radio host

N6FUP---- Stu Cook, Bass guitar player in American rock band, Creedence Clearwater Revival, (CCR)
N6GGM---- Laura, XYL of N6FUP
N6KGB---- Stewart Granger (born James Stewart), actor (SK)
N6NHG---- Kevin Mitnick, cracker

N6YOS-----Priscilla Presley, Ex Wife of Elvis Presley and Actress.
N9LC----- George Sweigert, inventor of cordless phone (was W8ZIS)
NK7U----- Joe Rudi, baseball player (ret)
NZ6N----- Randy Powell, actor (was WA0QZW)
OD5LE-----Emil Lahoud, President of Lebanon.
ON1AFD--- Count Dirk Frimouth, Belgian astronaut
RK3DUO---Col. Yuri Ivanovich Onufriyenko - Russian cosmonaut. Mir and ISS missions.
SU1VN----Prince Talal, Saudi Arabian royalty.

SV1CV----Errikos Briolas, Actor.
SV1VA----Ahilleas Karamanlis, Politician.
SV1AAA---Nikitas Venizelos, Politician.

SV1ACI---Makis Triantafillopoulos, Journalist, Radio and TV Person.

SV2ASP/A---Monk Apollo
TI2DR---- David Ruben MD, author of "Everything you wanted to know..."
U2MIR/UV3AM-- Musa Manarov, cosmonaut

UA1LO---- Yuri Gagarin, cosmonaut (SK)
VE2QS----Maurice Durieux - Canadian musician, composed CQ Serenade, possibly the only radio ham song?
VE3RX---- Arthur Meen, former Ontario Cabinet minister
VE3VGW--- Gilles Morin, Ontario MPP and Deputy Speaker
VK2AHU--- Dick Huey, professor-emeritus (was VK2HU)
VK2AHZ--- Tex Morton (Robert Morton), singer (SK)
VK2AXN--- Keith Alder, former chief of AAEC
VK2BL---- Graham Conolly, radio announcer and former voice on VNG
VK2CAX--- Dr. Ken McCracken, founding Chief of CSIRO Mineral Physics
VK2DIK--- Dick Smith, entrepreneur & millionaire
VK2EF---- Sir Ernest Fisk, MD of AWA, radio pioneer (SK)
VK2KB---- Sir Allan Fairhall, politician
VK2YOW--- Bob Hughes, radio announcer
VK3JU---- Ross Hull, Australian radio pioneer
VK4HA---- Harry Angel, centenarian
VK4HH---- Norman Hurll (was VK2BC), inventor
VK5AX---- Alf Traeger, inventor of the pedal wireless
VK5NIV--- Ivan Venning, Australian MP
VK6TP/G3KDH-- Tommy Price, speedway rider of Wembley fame
VR6TC---- Tom Christian, great*3-grandson of Fletcher Christian

VU2RG---- Rajiv Gandhi, Prime Minister of India (SK)
VU2SON--- Sonia Gandhi, XYL of VU2RG
W0CXX---- Arthur Collins, founder of Collins Radio (SK)
W0ORE---- Tony England, astronaut

W2JOF---- Cliff Richard (Harry Webb), singer
W2SKE---- Bill Leonard, former President of CBS News (SK)
W2TQ----- Joel Miller, IEEE lawyer
W2ZGU---- John Campbell, editor of "Analog" (SK)
W3ACE---- Armin Meyer, former US Ambassador to Japan

W4CGP----Chet Atkins, Singer/Songwriter. For more
click hereW4WRO---- Emory Gordy Jr, record producer and OM of Patty Loveless KD4WUJ
W4ZG----- Worth Gruelle, started "Raggedy Ann and Andy"
W5LFL---- Owen Garriot, astronaut
W6EZV---- General Curtis LeMay (SK)
W6FZZ---- Samuel F.B. Morse III, grandson and speed record holder
W6JKV---- James Treybig, CEO of Tandem
W6LNH---- Fred Gately (SK), Director of photography
W6NRM---- Robert Weitbrietch(?), physicist, developer of TTY for deaf (SK)
W6OBB---- Art Bell, talk radio host
W6QHS---- ?, Chairman and President of California Microware (ret)
W6QYI---- Cardinal Roger Mahoney
WA6RNG--- Byron S. Paul, Hollywood producer,
W6UK----- Alvino Rey, musician/bandleader
W6ZH----- Herbert Hoover III (former ARRL Pres, grandson of US Pres)

W7DUK----Nolan Bushnell, Computer Pioneer, Founded Atari.
W8JK----- John Kraus, radio astronomer
WA2MKI--- Larry Ferrari, organ player
WA4CZD--- Chet Atkins, guitar player (ex call sign)
WA4SIR--- Ron Parise, astronaut
WA6TJM--- President of ISD Inc
WB4KCG--- Ronnie Milsap, singer

WB6ACU--- Joe Walsh, rock musician (James Gang and The Eagles)
WB6RER--- Andy Devine, cowboy actor (SK)

XE1GGO----Enrique Guzman, Singer.
YN1AS---- General Anastasio Somoza, former President of Nicaragua (SK)
ZK1AN---- Sir Thomas Davis, former Premier of Cook Islands
Joe WB6ACU on the air!73 -... -.-