Οι διαγωνισμοί που ήδη διεξάγονται είναι οι ακόλουθοι:
CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest: 0000Z, Feb 8 to 2359Z, Feb 9
Mode: RTTY
Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
Classes: Single Op All Band (QRP/Low/High)(Tribander/Rookie)
Single Op Single Band (QRP/Low/High)(Tribander/Rookie)
Max operating hours: Single Op: 30 hours, offtimes of at least 60 minutes
Multi-Op: 48 hours
Max power: HP: 1500 watts
LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
Exchange: RST + Serial No.
Work stations: Once per band
QSO Points: 1 point per QSO with same country on 20/15/10m
2 points per QSO with same country on 80/40m
2 points per QSO with different countries on same continent on 20/15/10m
4 points per QSO with different countries on same continent on 80/40m
3 points per QSO with different continent on 20/15/10m
6 points per QSO with different continent on 80/40m
Multipliers: Each prefix once
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: 2359Z February 14, 2014
E-mail logs to: rtty[at]cqwpx[dot]com
Upload log at: http://www.cqwpx.com/logcheck/
Mail logs to: CQ WPX RTTY Contest
P.O. Box 1877
Los Gatos, CA 95031-1877
Find rules at: http://www.cqwpxrtty.com/rules.htm
YL-ISSB QSO Party, CW: 0000Z, Feb 8 to 2359Z, Feb 9
Mode: CW
Bands: All
Classes: (none)
Exchange: RST + name + (state/province/country) + YLISSB No.
Work stations: Once per band
QSO Points: (see rules)
Multipliers: (see rules)
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: March 21, 2014
E-mail logs to: ve1jim[at]ns[dot]sympatico[dot]ca
Mail logs to: Jim Flowers, VE1JIM
13 Rufus Ave
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3N 2L4
Find rules at: http://www.ylsystem.org/qsoparty/qsodates.htm
SARL Field Day Contest: 1000Z, Feb 8 to 1000Z, Feb 9
Mode: CW, SSB, Digital
Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
Classes: Single-Op Field (QRP/High)
Multi-Op Field (QRP/High)
Ultra Light Portable
Max power: QRP: 5 watts
non-QRP: >5 watts
Exchange: Number of transmitters + Category (see rules) + Province (or "DX")
Work stations: Once per band per mode
QSO Points: (see rules)
Multipliers: (see rules)
Score Calculation: (see rules)
Submit logs by: February 17, 2014
E-mail logs to: zs4bfn[at]netactive[dot]co[dot]za
Mail logs to: SARL Field Day Contest
PO Box 12104
Brandhof, 9324
South Africa
Asia-Pacific Spring Sprint, CW: 1100Z-1300Z, Feb 8
Mode: CW
Bands: 40, 20m
Classes: Single Op Single Radio
Max power: Asia Pacific: 150 watts
Non-Asia Pacific: maximum legal
Exchange: RST + Serial No.
Work stations: Once per band
QSO Points: Asia-Pacific: 1 point per QSO
Non-Asia-Pacific: 1 point per QSO with an Asia-Pacific station
Multipliers: Each prefix once
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: February 15, 2014
E-mail logs to: apsprint[at]jsfc[dot]org
Mail logs to: (none)
Find rules at: http://jsfc.org/apsprint/aprule.txt
Dutch PACC Contest: 1200Z, Feb 8 to 1200Z, Feb 9
Mode: CW, SSB
Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
Classes: SOAB (CW/SSB/Mixed) (Low/High)
Multi-Op Mixed
Single Op Single Band CW
Single Op Single Band SSB
Max power: LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
Exchange: PA: RS(T) + province
non-PA: RS(T) + Serial No.
Work stations: Once per band per mode
QSO Points: 1 point per QSO with a PA station
Multipliers: PA provinces once per band
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: March 10, 2014
E-mail logs to: pacc[at]dutchpacc[dot]com
Upload log at: http://alicia.esrac.ele.tue.nl/WebEditor/app
Mail logs to: PACC Contest Manager
c/o VERON Central Bureau
PO Box 1166
6801 BD Arnhem
The Netherlands
Find rules at: http://pacc.veron.nl/
KCJ Topband Contest: 1200Z, Feb 8 to 1200Z, Feb 9
Mode: CW
Bands: 160m Only
Classes: Single Op
Exchange: JA: RST + Prefecture/District Code
non-JA: RST + Continent Code (AF,AS,EU,NA,OC,SA)
QSO Points: JA: 1 point per QSO with JA station
JA: 5 points per QSO with non-JA station
Non-JA: 1 point per QSO with JA station
Multipliers: Each JA prefecture/district
JA: each continent
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: March 9, 2014
E-mail logs to: 2014toptest[at]kcj-cw[dot]com
Mail logs to: T. Shishido, JA4AVO
Kuchita 5-48-7-2
Asakita 739-1734, Hiroshima
Find rules at: http://www.kcj-cw.com/contest/14_toptest_rules_e.pdf
SKCC Weekend Sprintathon: 1200Z, Feb 8 to 2400Z, Feb 9
Mode: CW
Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6m
Classes: (none)
Max operating hours: 24
Exchange: RST + Name + (state/province/country) + (SKCC No./"NONE")
Work stations: Once per band
QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
Bonus Points: (see rules)
Multipliers: Each state, province, or country once
Score Calculation: Total score = (total QSO points x total mults) + bonus points
Submit logs by: February 16, 2014
Post log summary at: http://wes.m0trn.com/submission.php
Mail logs to: (none)
OMISS QSO Party: 1500Z, Feb 8 to 1500Z, Feb 9
Mode: SSB
Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
Classes: Single Op
Exchange: RS + (state/province/DX) + (OMISS No. if member)
Work stations: Once per band
QSO Points: 2 points per QSO with OMISS member
1 point per QSO with non-member
Bonus: add 500 points to score if mobile for entire contest
Multipliers: Each US state once
Each VE province once
1 DX country once
Power: <5w nbsp="" x2="" x3="">100W=x15w>
Score Calculation: Total score = (total QSO points x total mults x power mult) + bonus points
Submit logs by: March 1, 2014
E-mail logs to: (none)
Upload log at: http://www.omiss.net/Facelift/qsoElectronic.php
Mail logs to: OMISS QSO PARTY
John Dean, K0JDD
4118 Woodlane Drive
Woodbury, MN 55129
Find rules at: http://www.omiss.net/Facelift/qsoparty.php
New Hampshire QSO Party: 1600Z, Feb 8 to 0400Z, Feb 9 and 1200Z-2200Z, Feb 9
Mode: CW/Digital, Phone
Bands: All, except WARC
Classes: Single Transmitter (QRP/Low/High)
Multi Transmitter/Multi-Operator (Low/High)
Single Transmitter/Multi-Operator (Low/High)
Max power: HP: >150 watts
LP: 150 watts
QRP: 5 watts
Exchange: NH: RS(T) + county
non-NH W/VE: RS(T) + (state/province)
DX: RS(T) + "DX"
Work stations: Once per band per mode
QSO Points: 1 point per phone QSO
2 points per CW/digital QSO
5 points per phone QSO with a NH bonus point station
10 points per CW/digital QSO with a NH bonus point station
Bonus Point Stations: W1WQM, W1WMV, W1BST, W1FZ, K1BKE, K1NCR, N1QC, NM1JY, AD1T
Multipliers: NH Stations: Each NH county, each state, each VE province and one DXCC country once
non-NH Stations: Each NH county once
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: March 31, 2014
E-mail logs to: n1ix[at]arrl[dot]net
Mail logs to: Dave LeDuc
26 Tanglewood Dr.
Newton, NH 03858
Find rules at: http://www.w1wqm.org/nhqso/NEW_HAMPSHIRE_QSO_PARTY_RULES.pdf
FISTS Winter Sprint: 1700Z-2100Z, Feb 8
Mode: CW
Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
Classes: QRP
Max power: QRO: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
Exchange: FISTS: RST + (state/province/country) + first name + FISTS No.
non-FISTS: RST + (state/province/country) + first name + power
Work stations: Once per band
QSO Points: 5 points per QSO with FIST member
FIST members: 2 points per QSO with non-FIST member
Multipliers: Each US state and VE province once
Each DXCC country once
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: March 10, 2014
E-mail logs to: n2ed[at]fists[dot]org
Mail logs to: Ed Wlodarski N2ED
3 Shore Rd
Andover, NJ 07821
Find rules at: http://www.fists.org/operating.html#sprints
RSGB 1st 1.8 MHz Contest: 2100Z, Feb 8 to 0100Z, Feb 9
Mode: CW, SSB
Bands: 160m Only
Classes: Single Op (CW/SSB/Mixed)(UK/Overseas)
Exchange: UK: RST + Serial No. + District Code
non-UK: RST + Serial No.
QSO Points: 3 points per QSO
5 additional points for first QSO with each UK district
UK stations: 5 additional points for first QSO with each country outside of UK
Multipliers: (none)
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points
Submit logs by: 2359Z February 25, 2014
Upload log at: http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/hfenter.pl
Mail logs to: RSGB-G3UFY
77 Bensham Manor Road
Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 7AF
Find rules at: http://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2014/r1st-160m-2014.shtml
AWA Amplitude Modulation QSO Party: 2300Z, Feb 8 to 2300Z, Feb 9
Mode: AM
Bands: 80, 40, 20m
Classes: (none)
Exchange: RS
QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
20 points per QSO with W2AN or W1HRX
Multipliers: (none)
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points
Submit logs by: March 9, 2014
E-mail logs to: lbisha[at]rochester[dot]rr[dot]com
Mail logs to: Lynn Bisha, W2BSN
83 Parkwood Lane
Penfield, NY 14526-1307
Find rules at: http://www.antiquewireless.org/awa-on-the-air.html
ARRL School Club Roundup: 1300Z, Feb 10 to 2359Z, Feb 14
Mode: CW/RTTY/Digital, Phone
Bands: All, except 60, 30, 17, 12m
Classes: Single Op (I)
Club/Multi-Op (C)
School Club/Group (S)
Max operating hours: 24 hours total
6 hours out of any 24-hour period with off times of at least 30 minutes
Exchange: RS(T) + Class (I/C/S) + (state/province/country)
Work stations: Once per mode
QSO Points: 1 point per phone QSO
2 points per CW/RTTY/digital QSO
Multipliers: States + VE provinces + DXCC countries + (2x class C QSOs) + (5x class S QSOs)
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: March 18, 2014
Post log summary at: http://www.b4h.net/arrlscr/
Mail logs to: School Club Roundup
PO Box 392
Levittown, NY 11756
Find rules at: http://www.arrl.org/school-club-roundup
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