Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι και φίλοι των ρ/ε διαγωνισμών, σας εύχομαι καλό Σαββατοκύριακο.
Το διήμερο
18 και 19 Οκτωβρίου αναμένεται να καθηλώσουν στον ασύρματο, αρκετούς φίλους του
sport, δυο γνωστοί
και αγαπημένοι ρ/ε διαγωνισμοί. Αυτοί είναι ο JARTS για RTTY mode και ο Worked All Germany (WAG) για CW και SSB.
μερικοί ακόμα διαγωνισμοί, οι οποίοι παρουσιάζουν κάποιο ενδιαφέρον.
Όπως και να
έχει, αν αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο παραμείνετε στο σπίτι, θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να
ακούσετε κάποιον από τους παρακάτω ρ/ε διαγωνισμούς.
JARTS WW RTTY Contest: 0000Z, Oct 18
to 2400Z, Oct 19
Mode: RTTY
Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
Classes: Single Op All Band (Low/High)
Max power: HP: >100W
LP: 100W
Exchange: RST + age of operator
QSO Points: 2 points per QSO with same
3 points per QSO with different
Multipliers: Each DXCC entity except
JA/W/VE/VK once per band
Each JA/W/VE/VK call area once
per band
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO
points x total mults
Submit logs by: October 31, 2014
E-mail logs to: log[at]jarts[dot]jp
Mail logs to: (none)
Find rules at: http://jarts.jp/rules2014.html
Worked All Germany Contest: 1500Z,
Oct 18 to 1459Z, Oct 19
Mode: CW, SSB
Bands: (Please observe contest free band
segments per the rules), 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
Classes: Single Op CW (Low/High)
Single Op Mixed (QRP/Low/High)
Max power: HP: >100W
LP: 100W
Exchange: DL, DARC-Member: RS(T) + DOK (local
area code)
DL, non-DARC: RS(T) +
non-DL: RS(T) + Serial No.
Work stations: Once per band per mode
QSO Points: DL Station: 1 point per DL QSO, 3
points per EU QSO, 5 points per DX QSO
non-DL Station: 3 points per DL
Multipliers: DL Station: Each DXCC entity
once per band
non-DL Station: Each DL district
once per band
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO
points x total mults
Submit logs by: November 3, 2014
E-mail logs to: wag[at]dxhf[dot]darc[dot]de
Upload log at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/contest/wag/logupload/
Mail logs to: (none)
Find rules at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/contest/wag/en/rules/
10-10 Int. Fall Contest, CW: 0001Z,
Oct 18 to 2359Z, Oct 19
Mode: CW
Bands: 10m Only
Classes: Individual
Max power: non-QRP: >5 watts
QRP: 5 watts
Exchange: 10-10 Member: Name + 10-10 number +
Non-Member: Name + 0 +
QSO Points: 1 point per QSO with a non-member
2 points per QSO with a 10-10
Multipliers: (none)
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO
Submit logs by: November 3, 2014
E-mail logs to:
Mail logs to: Dan Morris, KZ3T
3162 Covington Way
Lenoir, NC 28645
Find rules at: http://www.ten-ten.org/Forms/QSO%20Party%20Rules.pdf
W/VE Islands QSO Party: 1600Z, Oct
18 to 2359Z, Oct 19
Mode: CW, Phone, Digital
Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6m
Classes: A. W/VE Island Fixed
B. W/VE Island Expedition
C. W/VE Island Rover
D. Non-Island W/VE
Exchange: Islands: RS(T) + USI/CISA Island
Non-Islands: RS(T) +
Work stations: Once per island per mode per
Calculation: (see rules)
Submit logs by: November 30, 2014
E-mail logs to: ns4j[at]usislands[dot]org
Mail logs to: Jay Chamberlain NS4J
27 Fox Run Lane
Fredericksburg, VA 22405
Find rules at: http://www.usislands.org/contest_rules.html
Feld Hell Sprint: 2000Z-2200Z, Oct
Mode: Feld Hell
Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6m
Classes: (none)
Max power: Standard: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
Exchange: (see rules)
Work stations: Once per band
QSO Points: (see rules)
Bonus Points: (see rules)
Multipliers: (see rules)
Score Calculation: (see rules)
Submit logs by: October 25, 2014
Upload log at: https://sites.google.com/site/feldhellclub/
Mail logs to: (none)
Asia-Pacific Fall Sprint, CW:
0000Z-0200Z, Oct 19
Mode: CW
Bands: 20, 15m
Classes: Single Op
Max power: AP: 150W
non-AP: legal limit
Exchange: RST + Serial No.
Work stations: Once per band
QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
Multipliers: Each prefix once
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO
points x total mults
Submit logs by: October 26, 2014
E-mail logs to: apsprint[at]jsfc[dot]org
Mail logs to: (none)
Find rules at: http://jsfc.org/apsprint/aprule.txt
UBA ON Contest, 2m: 0600Z-1000Z, Oct
Mode: CW, Phone
Bands: 2m Only
Classes: (none)
Exchange: ON: RS(T) + Serial No. + ON Section
non-ON: RS(T) + Serial No.
QSO Points: 3 points per QSO with Belgian
Multipliers: Each UBA Section
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO
points x total mults
Submit logs by: November 9, 2014
E-mail logs to: ubaon[at]uba[dot]be
Mail logs to: Leon Welters, ON5WL
Borgstraat 80
B-2580 Beerzel
Find rules at: http://www.uba.be/en/hf/contest-rules/on-contest
Special thanks Bruce, WA7BNM
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