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Παρασκευή 9 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Contest 10 and 11 January

Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι και φίλοι σας εύχομαι Χρόνια Πολλά, Ευτυχισμένη Χρονιά γεμάτη από Υγεία, Ευτυχία, Ευημερία και φυσικά καλές ραδιοερασιτεχνικές δραστηριότητες. 

Μόλις μια ανάσα μετά την εορταστική περίοδο των Χριστουγέννων η χώρα "πέρασε" σε προεκλογική περίοδο! Αυτό όμως το γεγονός, όπως και πολλά ακόμα, δεν σταματά τη ροή της ζωή μας. Οπότε και αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο θα διεξαχθούν ρ/ε διαγωνισμοί, καθώς και το επόμενο και ούτω καθεξής.
Όπως και να έχει, αν το Σαββατοκύριακο παραμείνετε στο σπίτι, θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να ακούσετε κάποιον από τους παρακάτω διαγωνισμούς.

Καλή επιτυχία.

Old New Year Contest: 0500Z-0900Z, Jan 10
Mode: CW, SSB
Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
Classes: Single Op (CW/SSB/Mixed)(Low/High)
Single Op On Air >50 Years (Low/High)
Club (Low/High)
Exchange: RST + sum of operator age and years on the air
Work stations: Once per band per mode
QSO Points: Copied age+experience
Multipliers: (none)
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points
Submit logs by: January 25, 2015
E-mail logs to: contest[at]radio[dot]ru
Mail logs to: (none)

SKCC Weekend Sprintathon: 1200Z, Jan 10 to 2400Z, Jan 11
Mode: CW
Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6m
Classes: (none)
Max operating hours: 24
Exchange: RST + (state/province/country) + Name + (SKCC No./"NONE")
Work stations: Once per band
QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
Bonus Points: (see rules)
Multipliers: Each state, province, or country once
Score Calculation: Total score = (total QSO points x total mults) + bonus points
Submit logs by: January 18, 2015
Mail logs to: (none)

UBA PSK63 Prefix Contest: 1200Z, Jan 10 to 1200Z, Jan 11
Mode: BPSK63
Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
Classes: Single Op All Band (QRP/Low)
Single Op Single Band (QRP/Low)
Max power: LP: 50 watts
QRP: 5 watts
Exchange: RSQ + Serial No. (starting with 1001)
Work stations: Once per band
QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
Multipliers: Each prefix once per band
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: January 18, 2015
E-mail logs to: ubapsk63[at]uba[dot]be
Mail logs to: (none)

North American QSO Party, CW: 1800Z, Jan 10 to 0559Z, Jan 11
Mode: CW
Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
Classes: Single Op (QRP/Low)
Multi-Two (Low)
Max operating hours: Single Op: 10 hours
Multi-Two: 12 hours
Max power: LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
Exchange: NA: Name + (state/province/country)
non-NA: Name
Work stations: Once per band
QSO Points: NA station: 1 point per QSO
non-NA station: 1 point per QSO with an NA station
Multipliers: Each US state (including KH6/KL7) once per band
Each VE province/territory once per band
Each North American country (except W/VE) once per band
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: 0559Z January 18, 2015
E-mail logs to: (none)
Mail logs to: Chris Hurlbut, KL9A
1733 E. Broad Ave.
Spokane, WA 99207

NRAU-Baltic Contest, SSB: 0630Z-0830Z, Jan 11
Mode: SSB
Bands: 80, 40m
Classes: Single Op (Low/High)
Max power: HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
Exchange: RS + Serial No. + 2-letter region
Work stations: Once per band
QSO Points: 2 points per QSO
Multipliers: Each region, once per band
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: January 18, 2015
E-mail logs to: nrau[at]lrmd[dot]lt
Mail logs to: (none)

DARC 10-Meter Contest: 0900Z-1059Z, Jan 11
Mode: CW, SSB
Bands: 10m Only
Classes: DL Single Op CW (Low/High)
DL Single Op Mixed (Low/High)
non-DL Single Op CW
non-DL Single Op Mixed
Max power: HP: >100W
LP: 100W
Exchange: DL: RS(T) + QSO No. + DOK
non-DL: RS(T) + QSO No.
Work stations: Once only
QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
Multipliers: Each WAE/DXCC country once
Each DOK once
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: January 26, 2015
E-mail logs to: 10m[at]dxhf[dot]darc[dot]de
Mail logs to: (none)

NRAU-Baltic Contest, CW: 0900Z-1100Z, Jan 11
Mode: CW
Bands: 80, 40m
Classes: Single Op (Low/High)
Max power: HP: >100 watts
LP: 100 watts
Exchange: RST + Serial No. + 2-letter region
Work stations: Once per band
QSO Points: 2 points per QSO
Multipliers: Each region, once per band
Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
Submit logs by: January 18, 2015
E-mail logs to: nrau[at]lrmd[dot]lt
Mail logs to: (none)


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