Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι στην σημερινή ανάρτηση σας παρουσιάζω τις τρέχουσες και τις επερχόμενες DX-peditions. Δηλαδή για τους μήνες Απρίλιο και Μάιο.
Σας εύχομαι καλό κυνήγι και μην σπρώχνεστε, για όλους έχει το καζάνι ...
S79VJG Seychelles Islands
G0VJG will be active from Seychelles Islands 4-16 April 2013 as S79VJG
DX8DX Bongao Tawi Tawi Taganak Turtle Island
DV1VD will be active from Bongao and Tawi Tawi Islands (IOTA OC-174) 9-11 April 2013 and Taganak Island (Turtle Island Group) IOTA OC-225 13-15 April 2013 as DX8DX
VK9LT Lord Howe Island
W6NV will be active from Lord Howe Island until 15 April 2013 as VK9LT
5H1DX Tanzania
DF8DX will be active from Tanzania 20-28 April 2013 as 5H1DX
NH0J Tinian Island
Miho JJ2VLY and Yutaka JQ2GYU will be active from Tinian Island (OC-086) between April 27 – May 1, 2013 as NH0J. QRV on CW, SSB and RTTY — 80 to 10M including WARC bands.
V6H V6S Pohnpei Island
JH3QFL and JH3AZC will be active from Pohnpei Island (IOTA OC-010) 29 April - 5 May 2013 as V6H and V6S
TS8TI Tunisia
An International group, along with the DXP will be in collaboration with the Association des Radio Amateurs Tunisiens ARAT and the Engineering University of Gabes, are planning a second IOTA DXpedition to Djerba Island ww. loc. JM53KT (AF-083, WFF 3VFF-007, WLOTA L-1394 and ARLHS TUN-022), between April 29th and May 6th, 2013.
A35UD Tongatapu Island
UT6UD will be active from Tongatapu Island (IOTA OC-049) 1-7 May 2013 as A35UD
SU8N Nelsons Island
SU1SK , SU1AO , SU1AR , SU3YM will be active from Nelsons Island (IOTA AF-109) 3-10 May 2013 as SU8N
VP2EAQ & VP2EAR Anguilla
Rich, KE1B and Anna, W6NN will be QRV “holiday-style” from Anguilla as VP2EAQ and VP2EAR between May 9-16, 2013. They will be using a single station – 100W with a Buddipole antenna system next to the sea – on all bands 40-10M (including WARC), and all modes (CW/SSB/RTTY).
YJ0PO Efate Island Vanuatu
K2PO will be active from Efate Island , Vanuatu in CQ WW WPX CW Contest 25-26 May 2013 as YJ0PO
ZS8C ZS8Z Marion Island
ZR6CWI and ZS1BCE will be active from Marion Island May 2013 - April 2014 as ZS8C and ZS8Z
6O0LA Somalia
LA4GHA will be active from Somalia until December 2014 as 6O0LA
He is active on 160-6 m CW , SSB , Digital modes
QSL via home call
9X0ZM Rwanda
JR1IZM will be active from Rwanda until March 2014 as 9X0ZM
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